Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Blog!

Skyler and I have switched blog services. You can now stay updated with the Call family at (sj stands for Skyler & Janelle). We will no longer be updating this blog so please visit us there for new posts. Thanks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Day

Avery had asked Santa for "Baby Sara", but both of Avery's grandmas had already purchased Baby Sara's for her so Santa decided to bring her an electronic piano instead. Those of you who spend time with Avery know that she is always playing on the piano at Grandma Call and Grandma Christiansen's houses.

Walking out of our bedroom Christmas morning, Avery's eyes lit up as she saw the piano propped up underneath the tree.

Later that day, to Avery's relief, she did get a few Baby Sara's; all of which she takes great care of each and every day.

We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you all did too!

Baking Cookies for Santa Claus

On Christmas Eve Avery and I made cookies for Santa Claus. We made Chocolate Chip Oatmeal; those are his favorite!

Avery was such a big helper.

She played the role of Taste-Tester.

After all that hard work of making the cookies, mommy got a great BIG kiss!